Vaccins : balance bénéfices-risques, histoire de la vaccination | Gardénal, Léonard, Guillot, Banoun

Tribune Libre 11 k abonnés

16 juin 2024

Pour Tribune Libre, le 11 juin 2024, Stéphanie Reynaud s’entretient avec le Dr Martine Gardénal, Martine Léonard, Sophie Guillot & le Dr Hélène Banoun : elles parlent des balances bénéfices-risques.

⮕ Etudes vaccinés versus non vaccinés, santé des enfants non vaccinés : Peter McCullough… RESOURCES Courtesy of Greg Glaser and Dr. Brian Hooker 1.Unvaccinated Study #1: Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders –… 2. Unvaccinated Study #2: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate Them –… 3. Unvaccinated Study #3: Health versus Disorder, Disease, and Death: Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated –… 4. Unvaccinated Study #4: Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children – 5. NY Times bestselling book: VAX-UNVAX: Let the Science Speak –… 6. Court documents: Expert reports – 7. CDC on chronic illness: The majority of vaccinated Americans suffer chronic illness –… 8. Article: Effort to Kill New Vaccine Studies Fails – American College for Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) on the false claim that the Mawson study had been retracted:… 9. US Census Bureau’s National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) questionnaires ( ~170 questions yet silent about vaccination status):… 10. Vaccines classified as “unavoidably unsafe” by law – CFR, Comment k “Unavoidably unsafe products” are discussed in the Code of Federal Regulations, Restatement of Torts (Second) 402A (k) § 402A. Special Liability of Seller of Product for Physical Harm to User or Consumer, Comment k. See e.g.,“Unavoidably Unsafe Products: Clarifying the Meaning and Policy Behind Comment K” –… 11. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) (shields vaccine makers from legal liability and shifts burden of compensation for vaccine injuries and deaths onto taxpayers) –… 12. 2011 Supreme Court (Bruesewitz): Court ruling that vaccine makers cannot be sued for design defects that harm or kill because the 1986 law acknowledged that vaccines cannot be made safe. (See NCVIA and CFR/Comment K reference) 13. Informed Consent Defense: Unvaccinated Control Group litigation exhibits, testimonies, evidence – 14. NICE Act: Bill in Congress to end vaccine mandates and encourage control group science – 15. Video voiceover: Erik Nicolaisen – 16. Paul Thomas… Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination AIMSIB / Variole :……… Preprint BEYFORTUS : Independent Analysis of the Results of the First Infant Immunization Campaign with Beyfortus® (Nirsevimab, Monoclonal Antibody Against RSV Bronchiolitis Virus):… Sur la coqueluche :… Autre lien coqueluche, à noter que ‘Pasteur’ reconnaît que le vaccin actuel n’empêche pas la transmission :… Images d’effets indésirables graves du vaccin antivariolique :… Musique « Hauban » de Thierry Chase ©Parsiparla Retrouvez toutes les vidéos de Tribune Libre sur Odysee

Source : Tribune Libre

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